About Me

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I'm on an adventure to live my dreams. As I go on this journey I may be inspired to write, to cook, to craft, to travel more, whatever it is, I'm enjoying it as I'm lead there.

Monday 29 August 2011

On the road....

So if you have ever thought of going to Labrador...one piece of advice I would give you..do your homework...it's completely worth the experience..but the road here is a huge challenge and adventure all at the same time.

Here is something that you would have never thought would be so amazing...Manic 5 dam..this was our last sign of "life"..and paved road...so it was a pretty cool way to end it. The size of this dam would astound you...

And then there was this sign...it was the first sign stating our destination...little did we know that even though it didn't seem that far away...we still had a LONG way to go...

So as we drove through much dirt and dust we stopped along the way to experience the sights and wonders such as Manic 5. The ghost town of Gagnon, and the abandoned mine of Fire lake were just a couple of our stops...

 And then.....we arrived.....so begins the next part of our journey!!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Gotta start somewhere...

I've thought about how to do this..I've wondered how to get some of my thoughts and stories into this place for more so friends and family to see and understand just exactly how much of a journey that my husband Ty and I have been going on since we left Moncton in July 2011. The morning we left, we had the car packed, we prayed, and we went with only one thing in mind...we were going to Labrador city. I had already received a job..and Ty...well he was going to do the writing thing. So since he's the writer..I will continue to allow him to do that and simply attempt to share a few thoughts, feelings, and experiences of how our lives are changing since we got here. I want to do this through words, video, photos..and if I'm really lucky through inspiration of song writing...who knows??

From the moment we stepped in that car to go on down the road..my stomach has been in knots, and my faith is being tested. My understanding of God has been growing, and my realization of how awesome and big God is has been growing.

It's now 3 weeks into our journey, and I don't even know where to start exactly...so I figure I will start at the beginning to help those who haven't been staying in touch, get back into touch with me. I would hope that you will comment and add things to my blog to make it interesting for me to do. I don't want to do this as a form of self-centeredness, nor as a form of "look at how faithful I am"..but I would rather write these things, and share these things as a way to help you keep in touch are with Ty and I as we are so far away from many of our friends and family. But also as a way to perhaps think about your own life journey, and what have you always wanted to do and experience..what kind of dream have you had that you have been holding back on because of fear...how following God's leading through a dream can be an amazing experience.

I have not just experienced God through the nature here, but also have experienced him through his people and following him and trusting him for the simple things in life...like a cup of coffee...

So...the first thing that I experienced 3 weeks ago was the nature (although this was in Quebec on the way..it was still stunning to experience)..pictures well never do things justice. To journey north as we did and discover more of this land was an amazing experience in itself.

It definitely wasn't my first time on a ferry...but this ferry ride seemed to mean so much more...a nice hotel room on the other side. The first days journey was exhausting in so many ways...it took us days to recover from not only the physical aspects of this journey but the emotional side as well....:)

So here we go...the beginning of a dream...the reliving of the experience (for those that care)..and hopefully many more adventures to come....