About Me

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I'm on an adventure to live my dreams. As I go on this journey I may be inspired to write, to cook, to craft, to travel more, whatever it is, I'm enjoying it as I'm lead there.

Monday 29 August 2011

On the road....

So if you have ever thought of going to Labrador...one piece of advice I would give you..do your homework...it's completely worth the experience..but the road here is a huge challenge and adventure all at the same time.

Here is something that you would have never thought would be so amazing...Manic 5 dam..this was our last sign of "life"..and paved road...so it was a pretty cool way to end it. The size of this dam would astound you...

And then there was this sign...it was the first sign stating our destination...little did we know that even though it didn't seem that far away...we still had a LONG way to go...

So as we drove through much dirt and dust we stopped along the way to experience the sights and wonders such as Manic 5. The ghost town of Gagnon, and the abandoned mine of Fire lake were just a couple of our stops...

 And then.....we arrived.....so begins the next part of our journey!!


  1. Thanks for fixing it so I can comment on your blog! I'm glad you'll be keeping it so that I can keep up with you! I figured God would blow your mind with this whole adventure - but I guess no one could have guessed just how much! Love you lots!

  2. Awesome Amanda!! Keep it up!! And ditto Alissa's comment!!!


  3. I am very excited to see what God does in your and tylers life :)

