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I'm on an adventure to live my dreams. As I go on this journey I may be inspired to write, to cook, to craft, to travel more, whatever it is, I'm enjoying it as I'm lead there.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Christmas Blessings....

Every year at Christmas we think about the year gone by and what has happened this year. Well this year, I'm overwhelmed. I don't even know where to start with the blessings.

After 4 months of being "homeless" and living in a cabin with electricity ran by a generator (which isn't very fun to start on a cold cold fall morning) and no running water, we finally received an offer on our house in NB, and here we are 2 months later, and will finally be closing that chapter of our lives in New Brunswick. We closed the house in Labrador City on October 21st but God wasn't finished with our patience yet, as we still lived humbly for over a month with no furniture, and very little supplies. We sat on our living room floor and ate our first meal in our house, realizing how warm it was. Our dogs laid in the corner seeming a little more relaxed as well as the floor was much warmer in this house then in our little cabin.
Our first snowfall in the cabin sometime in October. This was our road "home" for 4 months

Our water source for 4 months!

As they ran up and down the hallway and around the house in several directions...you could see the excitement over them, just as much as us. We knew they were settling in again just as much as we were.

Then the feeling of washing our dishes with warm running water, and not to mention that feeling of stepping into that shower every morning...I can't even describe the sense of relief that we experienced.

The week before we closed on our house in Labrador City, it didn't even look like it should or would happen. The lawyer was calling me constantly and saying they needed the papers and that there was no way we would be able to close on that date. And the owners of the house we were purchasing had had enough waiting..they needed to close that date or they were going to put it back on the market...and Ty and I knew the moment it was put back on the housing market it would be sold! No doubt...

As people told us to have faith, and continue praying, it was getting so exhausting..and I was on the verge of major meltdown. I then took comfort in the fact that there was a job position in St.John's, Newfoundland, and perhaps I should apply there, and we could just get a transfer with my position here...but I knew that although St.John's would be lovely and big city, and not as isolated, I felt that God wanted us here, but that there was no way we could live here without a house.

So at the very last possible moment..and I mean very last possible moment...it all came through...11:59...again!!! :) That is a blessing and a sense of relief that I don't think I will ever experience quite to that degree again. 
Now here we are..a couple days away from closing the chapter of our lives in NB. And although we will return in one week, and travel that long windy empty road again to come celebrate Christmas with our   family and friends, I will never see that road the same again.

When we first journeyed that road, it was fear, it was anxiety of the unknown, it was a calling, it was a desire to live out our dreams. Now as we go and come probably many times in the future down and up that road it will be home, and comfort, and realization of blessings, and opportunity.

Lyric anticipating the movers!!!

The day our furniture and belongings arrived..what a relief!! We could begin to call this HOME

Closing Day: October 21st

Before and After....sleeping in the corner with relief, but still no bed..finally got his bed and his baby all in one place. It's been a long journey for them...we could tell the difference....

  One of the first snowfalls in our new home..October 2011

Our front yard of the cabin..miss waking up to that beauty every morning..I will say that!!

Labrador City View..snow covered mountain tops..Beauty!!!

I want to continue to share our journey and to share our story because I know there are others that are scared to travel their LONG road..to wherever it might lead. I think that by continuing to share our simple story it may inspire even one person to get up and travel that road that you have been avoiding for a long time, cause somewhere, no matter how bumpy it might be to get there, there is beauty and there is hope at the end of that road.....

Merry Christmas! and remember this New year to count all your blessings....

Monday 17 October 2011


I've wanted to write so much more in between these two posts...but I'm skipping ahead today...

Ty and I have been waiting..trying to be patient. We are being pushed stretched, and challenged to have the faith that we need in order to accomplish a dream that we've been given.

My stomach is constantly aching, and my head hurts. I always feel tired, and I just want something familiar around me..whether it be tidbits of my belongings, or a picture of my family on my wall. Or even a bed..that would be a great feeling.

We have come down to the wire as we hit the winter cold month, living in a cabin is not possible. We have switched from summer to winter very quickly..which is why they call it the land of Two seasons. The cabin has been good to us, and the air has stayed manageable, but it's not just about the fact that we go to the gym every morning to shower, and it's not just the fact that we have to put wood in the fire every time we step into the freezing cold cabin..it's the missing of a feeling of "going home". We are surrounded by other people's belongings and family pictures, we are living out of a suitcase, and we sometimes eat off of plastic and paper plates.

Someone made a comment of how adventurous we are...well our adventurous spirit is feeling very very thin. I have a much deeper appreciation for the little things, and I have realized that I don't need "STUFF" to survive. I mean surrounding myself with bundles of clothes, and movies, and TVs and music, and just stuff does not make it home. It's about a feeling of comfort, of somewhere safe and warm, and I appreciate the fact that we have that ability. That we can look forward to moving somewhere with running water and electricity makes me feel blessed, and makes me feel better about my life.

I've appreciated every moment that we've been challenged stretched, and that our faith has grown. So now it's perseverance. I've been reminding myself of the scripture that says "let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us".

Perseverance...where does it come from? How do we get it? I mean at first when you start running you have tons of energy, but then you hit that mountain, and it's nearly impossible to keep up the same pace. So how do you keep going? What do you do to give yourself strength when you are on the last stretch of your race?

Another scripture says: "the joy of the Lord is my strength". Does that mean when we experience his joy we experience the strength? The kind of strength that will lead us to persevere even when we are exhausted. Is there ever a point we give up? Do we ever start taking a new path, a new direction, and how do we know?

I've been thankful for every chance Ty and I have grown closer together on this journey. I have been thankful for God taking care of us in so many ways...so what now?? How do I know that 11:59 is near?? How do I know that my perseverance is not in vain, that God will give us the strength, and that we are running the right race??

For us to come here, to stay here, and to work here has been a miracle and a blessing. Now in order for it to continue and to serve here as we feel led, we need another miracle. I feel like I'm putting a timeline, and ultimatum to God, but I'm not, I'm just wondering and knowing that so many things are outside my control, and I just have to wait and keep persevering...NO matter what time it is I guess......

Friday 9 September 2011

Inpiring stuff....

Recently I have been thinking about picking up the guitar and writing..and really creating some awesome music with my husband, but for some reason have kind of been avoiding looking at a guitar or an instrument, or even singing. I don't know why. Perhaps I'm so used to just singing in church, and I've had so much on my mind that I'm scared. Both Ty and I said when we came here that we were going to do so much more writing, and creating REAL music...I love music. I Love singing. I appreciate my husband cause he has a love for the arts, and he's never taken his focus off of it..so what's wrong with me..where did all my inspiration go.

Back in university I used to write so much, maybe it's cause I was going through so much. I know that my guitar would bring me joy right now, and to write would give me so much satisfaction, so what is stopping me.

Then I saw this morning that Gungor has come out with a new album. Nothing like their last album..and I have only heard bits and pieces and I already know that I'm going to love it. And I thought..why can't we do that..why can't we write something completely unlike anything else we've written. Ty has come up with several knew sounds since we've been here, but I think I've been avoiding the music because of fear that nothing will come out right.

We have begun a new life here in Labrador City, and we are on a huge journey...why can't I take this opportunity to really begin to be inspired..where does the inspiration come from?? It comes from changes in my life, it comes from the hardship, it comes from the beauty of nature around me, and it comes from the people around me. So...what is holding me back. Well this morning, this new album and new sound, may have just given me that bit of inspiration that I need.

So if you are wondering what may inspire you this morning...check them out..they are amazing...


Thursday 8 September 2011

Just some fun stuff..

This truck is absolutely ginormous!!! It's an amazing thing to think that these are driven all over the place here in order to bring the money into the city with all the mining here.

These beautiful berries were  growing all over the place close to the water. They tasted and looked like a cranberry. I want to dry them and use them as Christmas decorations. The red was so sharp.

These pictures are still in question of what it actually is. We found this spot in the woods that had this sand/rock type stuff. By the picture you would almost think it's snow..but nope, despite popular belief there's not snow here for that long. Hopefully we won't see snow until November....

Do we fear the truth??

For those of you that really know me know that really opening up about some of my thoughts and feelings can be very difficult. Perhaps that is why I became a counsellor, because I love to listen and am not always the talker. But here I am wearing out some of my emotions and thoughts for anyone to read. I feel like I'm allowing everyone to read my journal.

I've kept a journal for many many years, and it has always been so helpful, but here I am now, essentially journaling for so many people to see. It makes me slightly uncomfortable to know that people are actually reading about my life, and I'm even asking why I'm being so honest...but I thought...why aren't people being more honest about these things...I think it's just fear really. I have quite a bit of fear about even sharing some many of these honest thoughts and feelings that I've been experiencing.

Perhaps it makes some people uncomfortable. Perhaps it's difficult for you to read. Maybe you think I'm seeking attention or sympathy...which I don't feel like I want to do at all. Simply put, what I'm trying to say here is the truth without hiding behind any fears of what others may think.

Being a counsellor I listen to people vent about certain situations in their lives, and I hear the good the bad, and the ugly. I have to fight back any urge to put my two cents worth in, and just allow them to vent. There's something about venting..there's something about letting it go. And for many clients I see they have held things in for so long. They say that no one has ever really listened to them, and that no one really understands them. That I think is absolutely true!! 

Ask yourself this, you meet up with someone, and then you use the famous question: "How ya doin'?"..what would your reaction be if they REALLY started saying how they were doing that day...good or bad. 

So what am I blabbering on about?? Well....I suppose I may vent for the sake of venting here, but yes I know it is public, but it's interesting to see and hear responses from people no matter what they are. If you are not interested in hearing the truth about what I'm feeling and going through, I don't want you to feel obligated to read this. I'm not saying that I'm in such a bad situation that I don't see the blessings, and I know there may be so many other people that are going through difficult situations..but essentially what I'm trying to do here is describe the JOURNEY!!!!! A journey involves hills, valleys, turns and sometimes accidents...in order to get where we are going we need to travel along with all those challenges.I figured many people are interested in what we are doing here, and I could give the "oh great" response..which is true, but it's cookie cutter. I wanted to allow a chance for people to really read this and relate.

There are days lately when I'm exhausted from praying, and there are days when having faith seems really really hard...but I can still look back on the blessings that I've already been given, as well as the blessings that I know God has in store. God works everything together for good....even when I can't see it.

Our house hasn't sold in Moncton, and we've been bouncing from house to house here, and as inconvenient as it has been it's been amazing how people have opened themselves up to help us. They have given in ways, that Ty and I have never even thought possible. I know that we are going through these challenges to at least learn some major things, but it hasn't come without some pain. There's been no suffering no...but sacrificing of the things that we once found convenient and nice...I guess if anything that's the lesson I've already learned. Ty and I just know that we have many decisions to make, and many more things to go through..and the adventure we sought ought to achieve is apparently being fulfilled..but just difficult to handle at times.

So I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but rather just trying to be open, honest without all the "cookie cutter" answers. Maybe it will help you relate, maybe it will make you want to tell me to suck it up....

Monday 5 September 2011

The BEAVER....

Just watched this movie shortly after the previous post was written...and it made me do some more thinking. I guess to quote what perhaps I wish I could have added in my previous post.... while everything may  not be OK, one thing is for sure, you don't have to be alone. I  tend to hate when people tell me it will all work out, and "keep your eyes on God" and "just keep praying"..although it's the encouraging words I often need..sometimes, just sometimes it's ok for someone to say.."that really sucks".. :) I know it does and at times I don't feel like everything will be ok...and sometimes I just need to think that in order to make it through to the next day..where I will likely feel more positive the next day.

But at the end of the day, it is good and positive to know that we are not alone. Not only is God with us, but we have many other people around us sending us prayers. But as well, it's awesome to know that all this journey is done with my best friend. There's nothing better then knowing that Ty is working just as hard as I am, and going through all the same things as I am. He's here with me, and for me, and that's the amazing thing that keeps me going!!

Making Sacrifices...

As friends and family, many of you have been following my blog, but also just following my facebook updates. I've been accused of bearing too much on facebook, and wearing my heart on my sleeve at times, but I've come to be just inconspicuous enough that it makes people ask questions. :) It's a gift...

Here on this blog, I want to share the stories and pictures, but the one thing pictures always do is make it seem like everything is fun and adventurous. Well several years ago when I decided that I wanted to start living out my dreams, I read a book by Erwin McManus entitled "Wide Awake"...the one thing this book taught me about is not only learning how to pursue your dreams, but the challenges that you are bound to face when trying to live them out. Well currently, as many smiles as we push through, it hasn't been without some tears and frustrations. Our faith is being challenged, and stretched..and sometimes even exhausted.

For those of you who don't know, this past week we were surprised by an opportunity, from an absolute stranger to house sit for them for 2 weeks, and after staying in a cabin for the previous 3 weeks, this was a HUGE blessing..but still a question of what next haunts mine and Ty's mind. Although we have been offered to stay at a cabin once again, we are not only experiencing anxiety in realizing that we can't live there forever, but also know that without running water, we are bound to become exhausted again.
For those wondering, why we don't just rent, well a bit of back story, is that the area is filled with growth, but not enough housing. And rentals are few and far between, and are going for up to $5000 a month for a house rental..and 1500 plus for an apartment (if you are lucky enough to find one).

So...our questions lie in what's next. The challenge that is haunting is.."what if??" Including what if our house doesn't sell back in Moncton?? Those two words are the 2 words that can get in the way of us pursuing our dreams. As we talked to a couple last week that invited us in for supper..I got chills through my body as he talked about some of his and the church's prayers for people to come into the community and the church. Beyond a good stable employment for Ty and I, I believe we have a bigger purpose in being here. It's difficult to not give up, and not give in to the questions of "what if" and prepare to start "heading back". My head and my heart are in constant battle to try to figure out the steps that we need to take, and the plans that we need to make, even though God in the end has his final plan for us. What is God's plan? What is our plan? How do we know that we are pursuing our dreams that God has for us, not just the dreams that we have for our lives?

So every once in a while even despite all these challenges, I experience the hope of God again, and sometimes that's just all that I need to get me through. One of the way that I have truly experienced that hope in God again, here in Labrador is through nature;


The other way that I have experienced God, and faith encouragement in being here is through the people. I have never known people to be more welcoming, and loving. Everyone says how friendly Newfies are but I believe that in our case it has truly been people that God is sending our way, from the first day we arrived here, and a random stranger helped us fix our car, and to now where a stranger has let us stay in his home while he is gone for 2 weeks. Also much of the encouragement I know I have been experiencing from the support of people reading this, and even seeing my facebook status. Every prayer, and every thought has been encouraging for us. And sometimes when it is exhausting, that one little piece of encouragement can be enough to help me through the next day.

I've been exhausted...we've been exhausted, and have wanted to give up already so many times, but something tells me that we can't.....I just hope it's not my pride...

Monday 29 August 2011

On the road....

So if you have ever thought of going to Labrador...one piece of advice I would give you..do your homework...it's completely worth the experience..but the road here is a huge challenge and adventure all at the same time.

Here is something that you would have never thought would be so amazing...Manic 5 dam..this was our last sign of "life"..and paved road...so it was a pretty cool way to end it. The size of this dam would astound you...

And then there was this sign...it was the first sign stating our destination...little did we know that even though it didn't seem that far away...we still had a LONG way to go...

So as we drove through much dirt and dust we stopped along the way to experience the sights and wonders such as Manic 5. The ghost town of Gagnon, and the abandoned mine of Fire lake were just a couple of our stops...

 And then.....we arrived.....so begins the next part of our journey!!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Gotta start somewhere...

I've thought about how to do this..I've wondered how to get some of my thoughts and stories into this place for more so friends and family to see and understand just exactly how much of a journey that my husband Ty and I have been going on since we left Moncton in July 2011. The morning we left, we had the car packed, we prayed, and we went with only one thing in mind...we were going to Labrador city. I had already received a job..and Ty...well he was going to do the writing thing. So since he's the writer..I will continue to allow him to do that and simply attempt to share a few thoughts, feelings, and experiences of how our lives are changing since we got here. I want to do this through words, video, photos..and if I'm really lucky through inspiration of song writing...who knows??

From the moment we stepped in that car to go on down the road..my stomach has been in knots, and my faith is being tested. My understanding of God has been growing, and my realization of how awesome and big God is has been growing.

It's now 3 weeks into our journey, and I don't even know where to start exactly...so I figure I will start at the beginning to help those who haven't been staying in touch, get back into touch with me. I would hope that you will comment and add things to my blog to make it interesting for me to do. I don't want to do this as a form of self-centeredness, nor as a form of "look at how faithful I am"..but I would rather write these things, and share these things as a way to help you keep in touch are with Ty and I as we are so far away from many of our friends and family. But also as a way to perhaps think about your own life journey, and what have you always wanted to do and experience..what kind of dream have you had that you have been holding back on because of fear...how following God's leading through a dream can be an amazing experience.

I have not just experienced God through the nature here, but also have experienced him through his people and following him and trusting him for the simple things in life...like a cup of coffee...

So...the first thing that I experienced 3 weeks ago was the nature (although this was in Quebec on the way..it was still stunning to experience)..pictures well never do things justice. To journey north as we did and discover more of this land was an amazing experience in itself.

It definitely wasn't my first time on a ferry...but this ferry ride seemed to mean so much more...a nice hotel room on the other side. The first days journey was exhausting in so many ways...it took us days to recover from not only the physical aspects of this journey but the emotional side as well....:)

So here we go...the beginning of a dream...the reliving of the experience (for those that care)..and hopefully many more adventures to come....