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I'm on an adventure to live my dreams. As I go on this journey I may be inspired to write, to cook, to craft, to travel more, whatever it is, I'm enjoying it as I'm lead there.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Back to Living....

After a much needed trip home, and visit with family and friends, and well let's be honest, some major shopping, we are back to life. We essentially said Goodbye to our life in Moncton as we knew it. Our house from back there is gone, and we drove by to cut our ties (it's amazing how attached you can get to something...even if it's just a house). We loved being back there, around people that we were more then comfortable around, and we shed tears when we left, but it was a joyful feeling to come home to my own bed! To know that we were going to our new to us home.

So what am I going to write about now, where does this blog go from here? Well our journey is far from over. We are happy to be just living now, and now being able to live normally, but we are far from normal. Our journey always has curves and challenges, and I never think that we are done of this journey.

So as part of our continuing journey I would like to include the things that I think about, the things that we do, the culture of Labrador, and the ever creative side of our brains. We will now get back to more writing, more creativity, and one thing that we really want to do more of now is cooking.

This blog could take an interesting twist, one that I'm very excited about. I don't want it to just be about us either, I want it to be about life in general and how we are all common in our living, and I want to make it interesting. I want people to take something from it, and think...or act...or something along those lines.
 Any ideas on how to make this blog more interesting and creative?? I'm open.....

So onto a new year, onto new thoughts, new happenings, new corners to turn, and new adventures to go on! I'm excited for what may be coming! I feel like I'm prepared to face anything now!!! My eyes have been opened, and my heart has been changed.

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